Music & Memories

For this project, I wanted to look into the relationship between memory and music. This was a parting project from Falmouth University, and wanted to represent the 3 years there; I’ve realised that music was a common subject matter I featured in my projects, so I believed it was only right that my final project would centre around music too.

I sent a questionnaire around asking people about a happy or a negative memory, a significant breakup, a first love and they were feeling when they first arrived at university. Alongside these questions, I asked what songs they associated with these memories.

For the visuals, I knew that I had to be calculative and abstract at the same time— I wanted to create a pattern or a symbol for each song, so it did have to have some connections to the song, rather it being my own interpretations of the visuals of each song.

I decided to have colour gradients represent the lyrics based off from the repetitiveness. I believed this was the best way to have a form of visual consistency, but allow each song to be unique and different.

I decided to have colour gradients represent the lyrics based off from the repetitiveness. I believed this was the best way to have a form of visual consistency, but allow each song to be unique and different.

Screenshot 2020-05-06 at 18.30.12.png
Screenshot 2020-05-08 at 17.13.59.png
Screenshot 2020-05-06 at 18.49.25.png
Screenshot 2020-05-08 at 17.14.12.png

If You Don't Know, Now You Know!

